Payment Recovery

When we do our work honestly in a dedicated manner, we expect to be paid. How frustrating annoying, angering and exasperating it is, when the due date for payment has arrived and no money comes in. 

Agencies may simply disappear, delay payment until, so they hope, you’ll get tired from asking for it again and again, or simply have an excellent excuse: the client did not like your work.

So what can we do? Take a trip to the place where the agency is located, enter their office and demand the payment? It is practically not possible. Most of us don’t even have the physical appearance that may evoke respect from a debtor to the point where if you enter their office, they’ll write you a check on the spot.

So what do we do? Forget the payment and go on? Maybe. But not anymore. As a member of Translators Bar, we’ll take care of you, and we have many means to do it so you can get your money, or at least part of it. Being a member also lets you interact with other translators, inform them about agencies that don’t pay, are late or conduct their business in an insulting manner to the translator. 

You will also be informed of other of similar situation. When you are approached by a new client, you can ask for the opinion of your peers, as per the payment history of this client, so you don’t waste your time doing one job, and rejecting another because you are busy with the first one, and then receive no payment. 

And if there are no translators who have experience with this new client, we will activate our sources to find the answers for you, before you take on a job from someone you  have no payment history with.

You want your money and we want you to get it. We have the power to do things that one person can never achieve. As an organization we are powerful and you can share and benefit from this power.

We have contracted a special collection group that uses a different approach altogether, to collecting money. They are very successful and don't rely on the legal system to take debtors to court and wait until the end of times to see money. Also we have developed a special program that will tell the debtor by how much his debt is increasing every passing week from day 90 after the due date for payment.

To that our collectors add expenses like hotel, boarding, travel and private investigator – all eventually to be paid by the debtor, or if the debtor chooses to avoid these extra expenses and addition increase in the debt – he must pay on demand.

For example, a debt of 1000 dollars may become some 7000 after one year, plus the added expenses that may add 4000-5000 on top. This makes the work of the collectors worthwhile and basically they are so sure of their success, that they may be willing to pay all or some of the amount to you, before they even start activity, thus relieving the translator from any worries.

On top of that, thanks to the easy and mass communication of our Translators Bar community, we can  drastically narrow the option of any such agency to continue and conduct business, by alerting all translators about their negative conduct.

Such an agency will ¨Enjoy¨ the reputation it earned and will be soon out of business when no translator will want to work with it.

All this thanks to the power of our organization. One individual can do very little but a crowd is immensely powerful and each one of us, the members, shares in this strength.
 If you experienced any problem with payments please contact us through the contact page.

Important note: the Payment Recovery Service will carry a fee of 20 to 25 percent of the total owed amount, so it is your decision whether you want to use it or not.  Logically one would think that paying a certain fee and recover lost money, is better than getting nothing at all...


If you are not registered - Go here!

To submit your request for Payment Recovery - Go here!

To read the Terms and Conditions of the Payment Recovery - Go here!

To download the Authorization Letter for Payment Recovery - Go Here!

Money recovered 
over the years

2021 - $   670,520
(First 6 months)

2020 - $1,256,210

2019 - $ 1,153,420

2018 - $ 1,112,250

2017 - $ 1,002,150